Did you know that Neanderthals might have been the world's first agilists? And yet, they went extinct. Could Agile suffer the same fate? Are there eerie parallels between the decline of Neanderthals and the challenges faced by Agile in today's world? This article explores these questions and more, inviting you to reconsider what we can learn from the past about the future of Agile. In an article titled "What Neanderthals Got Right About the Agile Mindset"(1), Howard Sublett says that the Neanderthals might be among the world’s first agilists. The article goes on to discuss how one can develop an organizational design that is responsive to the needs of their customers. I highly recommend reading the full article - it was an extremely valuable read for me. While I concur with all the points he raises regarding the characteristics of Agile, I find it intriguing to see the parallels between the Neanderthals and Agile. Such a perspective is indeed thought-provoking, particularly in light of some fascinating facts about the Neanderthals and their eventual extinction. The Neanderthals are an extinct species, which begs the question - is there a hint there? Could it be that Agile, as we know it, will go the same way as Neanderthals? It is also worth noting that not all of the Neanderthal’s features disappeared - in fact, their DNA can still be found in modern humans(3), making up approximately 1-3% of it. This raises an intriguing possibility: could it be that while Agile as we know it may vanish, some of its defining characteristics will remain? Additionally, it's widely believed that Homo sapiens - us - played a role in the eventual extinction of the Neanderthals. This begs the question: who might be playing the role of Homo sapiens in the case of the disappearance of Agile? The comparison of the Neanderthals to Agile, reminded of my previous research into their extinction. As I delved deeper into current scientific theories, I couldn't help but notice the similarities between their demise and the current state of Agile. Here are some of the parallels that stood out to me:
What are your thoughts? PS: Please note that none of these possible parallels were hinted at in the original article by Howard. I had the opportunity to briefly speak with Howard this week. He stated that the idea of Agile going extinct was not in his mind when he wrote the article. It is entirely my own conjecture and speculation. All blame should be directed towards me alone. References
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